Fundraising Events

Thank you so very much for all of your support.  We had a wonderful Spring Fundraising Luncheon on April 20, 2024, and look forward to seeing you all on April 26, 2025!

Enjoy our 2024

Spring Fundraiser Slideshow!

Throughout the year, WCSP members attend fun events that help to benefit the Club.  Donations from members and businesses help us reach our goals, all the while having a wonderful time with friends!

Mini Fundraiser Fun!

Shopping! High Tea!  Mystery Theater! WCSP Members have fun while raising $$$.

We donate a portion of our purchases or entrance fees to benefit the charities we serve!

All proceeds from our Spring Charity Luncheons and our 2020, 2021, and 2022 Virtual Campaigns

went directly to the charities we support.

Though we had to cancel 2020,  2021, and 2022 Spring Luncheons, we were still able to grant our charities their requests for funding of special projects.  

Thank you to the hundreds of WCSP donors in 2020, 2021, and 2022 who made this possible.

WCSP's members and friends donated so generously in April 2020 that we were able to help some additional organizations that have been impacted greatly by the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are extremely grateful for your continual support!

Interested in joining us?  Please let us know by completing this form.  We will get back to you soon, and will send you a formal invitation.